Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Camp 2009

Last week my family and I, Heather, and 4 teens from the youth group in Bircii set out to lead a 4 day Bible camp. After a long 9 hour trip we arrived at the facility where the camp was being held. We all had a little time to relax because the camp didn't start till the next morning.
The next day kids started arriving. We were told to prepare a camp for kids ages 9-14, well...the kids were ages 2-17. Thankfully most of the activities we had planned worked for all age groups. We were also in for another surprise when the leaders of the kids who came already had a schedule for the camp. They wanted us to lead 2 and 1/2 hours of games each day in the middle of the hottest part of the afternoon. We told them that we had some other activities planned and ended up only having about 1 and 1/2 hours of games a day.
The whole camp was kind of hectic! No one ever really knew what was going to happen next. A lot of times we were running around trying to think up things to do to keep the kids busy.
One of the most exciting nights was when we did skits. The kids chose a Bible story and then acted it out. No one had brought costumes with them, so they just used bed sheets. At least half of the camp was dressed up in sheets that night.
I think God really worked throughout the camp. Even though most of the time we had no idea what was happening the camp turned out really well. The leaders of the kids that came said it was the best camp they have had. I think a lot of that was due to the fact that we had teens that spoke Romanian, so they were able to interact with the kids. I also think that God really worked through all your prayers. We really had to rely on God to get through the week. It was crazy, but it was a big blessing to us, and hopefully everyone one else that was involved.
Thanks so much for all your prayers!
-Mikayla Roberts

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