Monday, February 15, 2010

Lake Bircii

Last week we had a blizzard. More snow then we have had all winter got dumped on Bircii. Even the tractors trying to clear the roads got stuck in the huge drifts.
We were all very excited when it started to melt, the sun even came out for a while. The next day one of the girls from the youth came to visit and help us with our Romanian. She walked into our yard greeted us and promptley told us that we have a lot of water. Mikayla and I looked torwards the gate to see water trickling under it and agreed. We didn't discover what she actually meant untill we walked out our gate on the way to orchestra practice and were greeted with this sight.

We didn't just have "a lot of water" we had a lake, and there was absoluty no way to get through it without getting wet.

The next day dad decided that he had had enough of getting wet, and made a way for the water to drain. That was the end of Lake Bircii.

No one (including our nieghbors) were sorry to see it go, and no one wants to see it come back.

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